"Hello World"

Hello, welcome to webdeveren. In this first blog post, I will talk about myself a little and talk about what I plan to write about on the blog.

March 12, 2023


The first code written by almost everyone who has tried to learn how to code is to print "hello world" to the console. I chose to give this name to my first blog post. Anyway, welcome to webdeveren!

Who Am I?

My name is Mehmet Eren Çelik, I am 24 years old. I am a lawyer who graduated from Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law in 2021. Yes, you heard right, I am a law school graduate. So how did I start learning software development?

This is the subject of another article, but briefly, although I have been interested in technology since my childhood, when my university score was high, I succumbed to the advice of choosing law school, like every other student, with high job opportunities.

What Am I Doing Now?

In June 2022, I set myself the goal of working in the software industry professionally. Since then, I've been developing myself in web development full time.

I'm doing projects as if I'm working 8 am to 5 pm and trying to learn new things. There is hardly a day I don't write code or read Documentation.

As of December 2022, I am taking Dart and Flutter couses as one of the 2000 trainees selected from 35000 applications at Oyun ve Uygulama Akademisi

I also plan to write a longer post about the academy later.

Why Did I Open a Blog Site?

First of all, my goal was to make a portfolio site that would serve as a CV in a classic way and show what I can do.

Then I decided to write a blog because I think the most important way to make learning permanent is to share. Even if no one will read it, my aim is to improve myself.

While I am writing this post, I am not a developer who has managed to enter the IT sector yet, but I think I have come a long way. Since I am aware that there are many friends from different backgrounds who want to learn software development, I wanted to share my own experiences.

I am confident that I will get my first job soon. Because I think I've found myself, albeit late, and I want to do what I love. Either I will succeed or I will succeed!

What Will I Write About?

It's my goal to write as much as I can about technology and web development, but I'm going to get into personal topics from time to time.

For example, the first post in my mind will be how I decided to learn software development as a lawyer, what I did, and what I should do better.

I plan to write shortlists about the courses I get from time to time, the communities I'm in, and the technologies I use.


In conclusion,

We have a long road, our excitement is high, we have youth!" 😉

See you in the next post. 👋